# Elements

Blocks are the content sections of a Webkit site. They are automatically imported into App.vue by Webpack and displayed in the order specified in the configuration. They correspond to specific components that are located in ./src/components/blocks.

Modifying Block Components

It is recommended to avoid editing these components directly, unless you are working on your own development fork. There are many configuration and styling options available for each block, without the need to modify the components themselves.

The Header Block includes two child components:

  • The Menu View displays a responsive menu of all Sections defined with an id property or an array of custom links.
  • The Hero View displays the introductory content of a Webkit site.

In the default template there are three Hero Views to choose from, these are specified in the type property.

The example below displays a Header with Menu and Standard Hero views.

    # Custom

    Custom Blocks are containers for custom text, html, images and videos. They can also be configured to display a topic based on the topic_id of a Discourse post.

    The configuration parameters for Blocks are as follows:

    property default description
    title "" string
    topic {id: null, showImage: false}
    • number value of topicId
    • boolean to display featured image of topic
    text { content: [''], align: 'left'}
    • array of text strings to display
    • string value (left, right, center)
    image { url: '', size: 'auto'} object with url and size string
    video { url: '', size: 'auto'} object with url and size string
    style {} object with style parameters (see Styling)
    # install as a local dependency
    yarn add -D vuepress # OR npm install -D vuepress
    # create a docs directory
    mkdir docs
    # create a markdown file
    echo '# Hello VuePress' > docs/README.md


    It is currently recommended to use Yarn instead of npm when installing VuePress into an existing project that has webpack 3.x as a dependency. Npm fails to generate the correct dependency tree in this case.

    Then, add some scripts to package.json:

      "scripts": {
        "docs:dev": "vuepress dev docs",
        "docs:build": "vuepress build docs"

    You can now start writing with:

    yarn docs:dev # OR npm run docs:dev

    To generate static assets, run:

    yarn docs:build # Or npm run docs:build

    By default the built files will be in .vuepress/dist, which can be configured via the dest field in .vuepress/config.js. The built files can be deployed to any static file server. See Deployment Guide for guides on deploying to popular services.